Bundle Pulling and Moving
Our extensive range of versatile tube bundle extractors and movers are all you need for safe, efficient onsite tube bundle pulling and handling.
To suit varied industry requirements we offer light, heavy, mobile and truck-mounted tube bundle extractors for the removal and re-insertion of bundles both large and small. Our bundle movers range from the simple lift arm to the mobile straddle carrier. We also manufacture an extensive range of water jetting machines and accessories for both internal tube and external shell-side high pressure cleaning.
Hook Lift Tube Bundle Pullers
A crane lifts these units into position and the tube pulling and pushing operations are achieved through its integrated power unit. To aid operator safety, hydraulic operation is through remote control. The machine has a facility to ensure the load and machine are balanced. Our most recent tube bundle extractor supply was as part of an order for complete tube bundle cleaning systems.
Other bundle extractors we offer are truck mounted extractors and remote-controlled wheel-based extractors.
Straddle Carrier – Bundle Moving
The straddle carrier is designed specifically for the onsite movement of a large range of tube bundles. A 5-speed gearbox, dual circuit air brakes and power steering make this unit very operator friendly.
Tube Bundle Cleaning Equipment
To complement our tube bundle moving equipment, we offer a large range of tube bundle cleaning machines and accessories. This range includes internal and external bundle cleaners along with semi-automatic tube cleaning machines that remove the operator from the area of work. Our tube bundle cleaning equipment is all you need for safe, efficient tube cleaning.
Talk with us about your requirements for tube bundle extractors and movers
Whether you are pulling a bundle or just want a safe way to lift it, we have a solution. Call us on +44 1905 751790 or email sales@calder.co.uk.