Zero Reaction Force Waterjetting

Removing the operator from the full reaction force encountered when using a hand-held jetting gun is, first and foremost, the safest option. The repeated pressure of the recoil is tiring for the waterjet operator. Without doubt, this can only have a negative effect on efficiency and operator well-being. Additionally, zero reaction force waterjetting can significantly improve the quality of the work.

Promoting products which reduce the effects of the reaction force ties in well with our strive towards increased automation in the waterjetting industry. That is why we are always keen to add to our range products. Not only products that remove the operator from the reaction force, but from the work area altogether.

Undoubtedly, waterjetting has come a long way. There are still applications which require the use of a hand-held lance. However, many applications which would once have been completed using hand lances now have application-specific accessories.

Tools for High Pressure Waterjetting

Jetboy and Jetmate – Ergonomic Waterjetting Tools

The mobile Jetboy and the fixed-position Jetmate are ergonomic tools that remove the operator from the reaction force. Each has its own set of accessories to aid your high pressure waterjetting jobs.

Dockboy and Dockmate – Surface Preparation Robots

These machines cover large areas such as ships’ hulls and large storage tanks. Paint and marine growth are removed safely and efficiently and the substrate profile remains intact. Significantly, this ensures good adhesion for new coatings. Find out how these surface preparation machines can reduce the time needed for your surface preparatioon jobs.

Tube and Pipe Cleaning

Clean pipes that are vertical, horizontal or inclined, light deposits and heavily engrained deposits, and all pipe diameters. See the products that operators use to improve safety and increase quality and efficiency in tube and pipe cleaning.

Tank and Vessel Cleaning

Our range of tank and vessel cleaning equipment includes tank cleaning heads, nozzles, robotic entry/cleaning systems, remote controls and more.

Get in Touch

Speak with a sales engineer and see how you can make use of a safer, more effective and operator-friendly solution on +44 1905 751790 or email