Conveyor Grid and Dolly Cleaning

The control and precision that we can now achieve with high pressure water jets makes the process very well suited to the cleaning of conveyors in the food production sector. We generally use the Hammelmann reciprocating plunger pump for these cleaning applications. In addition to its proven reliability and long service intervals, the Hammelmann pump is vertically mounted which allows us to design a pump skid with a small footprint.

Standard and Bespoke Industrial Cleaning Systems

We have standard pump units which operators often use for conveyor cleaning. However, our wealth of design experience means we can provide bespoke solutions to the most challenging of site-specific applications.

Conveyor Grid and Dolly Cleaning Options

These units are, generally, skid-mounted electric units. For example, a typical application will be cleaning a production system indoors. Obviously, the customer will not accept diesel fumes inside and nor do they need to protect the pump unit from the elements. However, we design and manufacture pump units to suit most applications and locations. Check out our waterjetting pump units. As you will see, we offer mobile, diesel-powered pump units, crash frames and containerised units. A popular option is a pump skid with an environmental enclosure. We mount the enclosure either on the skid edge or the floor. These enclosures offer protection to the equipment and also allow for the fitting of noise attenuation panels.

Waste Water Filtering and Recycling

Without doubt, a huge benefit of using high pressure water for your industrial cleaning is that you can recycle the water. The system collects the water and delivers it to a water treatment unit. Once here the treatment unit filters the water such that it can be re-used in the cleaning process. The operator can then dispose of the debris appropriately.

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  • Stand-alone units for integration by the customer into their current system.
  • A large range of pressure and flow rates.
  • Electric or diesel driven options.
  • Long service intervals.
  • Waste water separation and recycling options.
  • Skid. Suitable for most indoor or outdoor permanent applications.
  • Crash frame. Lightweight, but with protection for the equipment during site movements.
  • Site trailer. Ideal where the unit will be used across various locations on one site.
  • Road-going trailer. For multi-site operations.
  • Noise enclosure. We fit these to skid mounted units to offer protection for the equipment. These enclosures do, therefore, enable the pump unit to benefit from the fitting of noise attenuation panels.
  • Container. Maximum protection for the equipment and ideal where the customer will locate the unit outdoors. Equally ideal should the customer want a mobile unit for ad hoc cleaning operations.