Designed, built, and tested in Worcester, this hydrate inhibitor injection skid meets the very specific requirements of the end user. To operate in the warmer climes of the Persian Gulf region in ambient temperatures of up to 50°C, this chemical injection skid is fitted with a protective enclosure and specialist cooling equipment. A Hammelmann API 674 variable stroke pump allows the flow rate to be adjusted, with zero flow achievable. The pump is powered by a WEG motor. The integral, ASME ‘U’ stamp, storage tank allows full shift running time and features a nitrogen blanketing system.
The unit builds on our vast experience in the supply of bespoke Methanol Injection and Chemical Injection pump packages for hazardous environments, both onshore and offshore.
- integral methanol storage tank
- remote control from 200+ metres
- Zone 2 rated for hazardous environments
- high ambient temperature operation for GCC region
- truck mountable to move between onshore well sites

Control and monitoring will be via both on-skid HMI control panel and remote, wireless, intrinsically safe, tablet device. The tablet has a standard operating distance of 40 metres. However, with our Remote Wireless Access Point (RWAP) the operating range is extended to a distance in excess of 200 metres.
Standard ISO lock fittings allow for secure transportation by truck to remote desert well sites, and there is full maintenance access around the entire pump skid.
Call or email to discuss your requirements +44 1905 751790 –
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