High Pressure Pump for Hydrodemolition
A customer collected a brand new high pressure pump from our factory and it was operating the same morning. Aquaforce (Concrete Services) Ltd called into our Worcester factory and took with them their road-going MultiJet pump unit. Thirty minutes later, they were on site at the A4440 Worcester Southern Link Road Improvements. This pump unit is one of a pair Aquaforce purchased to increase the capacity of their fleet. They will use these pumps predominantly for hydrodemolition projects.
Friday 1 April
0700 – Aquaforce collect the pump unit at our factory in Worcester.
0730 – Arrived on site at the A4440 Worcester Southern Link Road Improvements.
0900 – Finished setting up area ready for hydrodemolition.
1000 – Completed removal of 1 square metre of concrete to a depth of approx. 80 mm.
1100 – Leave site.
Today’s Hydrodem Work
Today’s hydrodemolition work was the removal of a section of concrete for the purposes of inspecting the underlying rebar. The location was the A4440 Worcester Southern Link Road Improvements. Hydrodemolition allows the selective removal of concrete. There are many advantages to hydrodemolition over traditional methods of concrete removal. Two examples are that the concrete is removed without damaging the rebar, and it is an operator-friendly process with vastly reduced vibrations.
The Calder MultiJet uses the latest in low emissions technology with a Stage V engine. These power units comply with the Non-Road Mobile Machinery regulations.
See why operators are increasingly turning to hydrodemolition.
From MultiJet Pump Collection to Hydrodem Job Done!
This small selection of photos starts with Aquaforce collecting the pump unit at our Worcester factory. They go on to show the operator setting up the unit and the unit in operation. And, lastly, they show the finished result with the concrete removed and the rebar undamaged.
Kariba Dam Rehabilitation Project
In 2020, Aquaforce purchased four Calder waterjetting pump units. Two were our road-going MultiJet units and two were MultiJet units mounted inside a container. We also supplied two water filtration systems for the project. All units were for the Kariba Dam Rehabilitation Project which spans the powerful Zambezi River.
Get in Touch
We are here to help. Please call to discuss how we can help with your concrete removal projects on +44 1905 751790 or email sales@calder.co.uk.